Monday, March 27, 2017

Still Breathing!

Hello folks.

Is it spring yet?
Well its been a whirl wind weekend..Saturday I drove to the ghetto to adopt a Cat. Well wanted to at least go look... when I got there I had to fill out an application and wait a few minutes...Soon a volunteer led me in the cat was busy with people looking to adopt... and the smell of the litter boxes..eeek. Anyhoo... looked at a bunch..some were not interested in disrupting their slumbers... lol some just swatted at me and one scratched and hissed at me. Than I went over and saw this little black and white fella...they called him yes like the Glue. I asked if we could take him out and go in  the playroom "sure" said the SO he kind leaves me in the playroom along with two other cats that were lounging around in there..One was named Trumen...If Trumen isn't the biggest cat I have ever seen! LOL He wasn't too interested in me but let me pet him than tried to bite me. lol the other one was a skinny long haired white cat that a woman with fried bleach blond hair was smitten with and she was going to take it.
So anyhoo.. I kinda awkwardly tried to entertain Elmer and he was just kinda doing  his own thing and was calm..even took a litter box break then Truman was interested in that...
Well he was a nice cat... I was never really into the black and white cats always wanted a more unusual cat... My cats have always had the biggest attitudes... Not Elmer he was so quiet and never hissed or tried to bite or scratch... I like him.
I kinda paniced when I realized I don't have any supplies for him at home and asked if I could come back Monday or Tuesday! Well that wasn't going to work cause they aren't open on Monday! Okay so I ended up just pitching out the money...running to petmart, grabbing a new litter box and some litter and running back....they let me use one of their kitty boxes and off we went! What happened!!? LOL
He meowed the whole way home and hid under madies bed the rest of the day...when he did come out he let me pet him and was pretty pleased with his new digs. Now Monday he is such a little mush and even snoozed in my bed last night while I was watching Tv...
This morning I had to go the bank and grab some breakfast and when I came home my stereo was on  the floor...Uh....and little dude was no where to be found...
I ended up fining him in  the bathroom after searching all over the place... he is still hiding a lot but also loves to be pet and sit with me.. He also has kind of a drool problem...Yeah that's another issue.
I named him Benny. Yup Hes a keeper.

Other than that ...well also went to see a Jimi Hendrix band on Saturday night with my girlfriend...OMG it was AWeome!!  We stayed until she got mad at some randon chick and insisted we LEAVE. But it was a crazy night. lol What an awesome band! Sunday was spent sleeping that off. lol

Anyhoo...Well I guess all is going...Kiddo is at school and I was just blogging while the guy fixed my furnace.. lol I woke up and it was 55 degrees in this joint! Second time the ol bessy kicked off... but the ol reset button was a no go. The guy replaced some stuff on it and was done in like 30 min. Ahhh heat. and whew.
I cannot wait to be able to open the windows! I want fresh air! Winter is such an asshole.

OH and update on Miss Madie she is well. She has two field trips coming up soon and I will have to sell my soul to pay for them...They really don't mess around... Whatever happened to like trips to small petting zoo? Nope we go to Bronx Zoo!  A ride on a kiddie train  thru a makeshift jungle? lol I'm pretty anxious about that one... I just know its a LONG day... and well I have to go with madie or I am not sending  her... But I really want to see this place! What  trip! 
She has been doing well at school and getting thru her days.. Seizures have been a little yucky so just kinda holding strong...I really don't know what other path to take with seizures...Shes 10 now and growing slowly. Still has her G tube and has had no problems with it. Gets thru her days at school.. Guess its all I can ask for.
I always let dad know when she has a tough day.. Hes not being very social with me these days .

Well I guess that's all I have to ramble about today.
Hope everyone is well.. Till next time

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