Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday Funday

What would we do without rainstick!? She loves this toy.
Im going to try to post a post Madie is in foul mood right now..was screaming I assume tired but ya never know with my girl.
SOme cute pictures from the other day it was a gorgeous and windy outside a small break from the rain we have been having
All is "going" Madie is in her last week of Kindergarten this week! Is crazy! I hope that she will begin her new school year with her new Crusier stroller I keep my fingers crossed.! Sweet Baby girl.
Fathers Day was good. We all spent the day together and BBQed it was really nice to be together as team even for a day.. WARM day but better than the rain! (although just hearing in radio that more rain and 80's are coming..) I dunno....sigh. I guess that's all today. Ill blog over weekend when I am more focused. SO MUCH on my mind and Im just exhausted.

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