Ahhhh the long Memorial Day weekend...an official kick-start to the summer...As much as I JUST LOVE The red white and blue decor...(a hint of sarcasm) I kinda think of memorial day as just a family time...PICNICS and BBQ..sorry....:( But we can also I guess say that we are proud to live in America...eh??
Back to the Cottage on Sunday to spend the night and have memorial day BBQ...! Tonight hubby and I take his brother (Uncle Pieter) to dinner for his birthday and Saturday we may just go finally get a mattress for our guest room..so we can stop storing junk in there and have a real spare bedroom!
In madie news....I called the Neuro yesterday and missed the call back..doh! I had called asking if we could..since madie has been off her Clonopin...uh...3 weeks now if we could have the go-ahead to increase her Depakote by a 1/2ml to bring her to 3ml twice daily... WELL the message the nurse left was telling me to leave meds as they are and to go get blood work next month. They will send me the lab form. These stupid jerks and Twitches get madie every day...not nearly like her full blowns but GEEZE..I am NOT about to wait till I DO see one! She is soooo sparkly! she is workin those lil muscles and trying so hard to coordinate herself to a crawl..just c..ca...ant get there...lol To see her regress into seizure land again scares the you know whats outta me!
Nothing really else with madie...I feel in a stand still at the moment..but its OK.
Yesterday I dragged her out to David's Bridal (with grandma and madies great grandma) about 45 minutes away since I had this Bridesmaid dress from a cancelled wedding...(even longer story) but was stuck with nearly 200 bucks of credit! Every sale in that place is final no matter if you have had alterations on the gown or not!! B-s...yeah
BUT for the price of the dress and those shoes I got a party dress, an evening bag, and some nice strappy shoes...
Madie was an ANGEL....it took about an hour for me to stop calling myself fat and finally find a dress!! I hate wearing dresses! I am verry much black dress pants and strappy shoes kinda gal...no no dress..LOL It was an adventure for sure...and my lil Angel was just that...An angel. Even survived lunch at the Olive garden :)!
Well I can hear my lil bird right now.. and I better go have some breakfast...I am having theeeee worse time trying to eat right....I hate it!!
((((hugs mamas)))
PS shortly after that photo madie catapulted herself out of her BUMBO falling sideways...she was OK..no tears...just trying to roll...oh gawd, I laughed...
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