It was kind of bitter sweet as I watched the other "so called normal" kids running around the park and the moms who compleatlty ignored me without a hello in sight..I just pushed her in her swing and after ahile I just felt weird so we went for a walk and I just talked to Madie the whole way.

When I avoid these public play places..its for a reason...by no means am I ashamed to have a child with special needs and I am certain its good for madie to experience these places and see the outside world. I guess its just me. Its heartbreaking to not be able to set her free...let her run and climb and even make a new temporary friend in one of the other kids there.
It was a gorgeous day nonetheless and the temps were about 90 but it was dry..when we got home she was ready for some food and took a nice nap...waking happy as a clam. :)
We will however return with Madies therapist for some more swing time :)
Its hard regardless of the degree of delay. I know I look around and see kids and their families and wonder what it must feel like to let my baby go...to play...to run...to climb. To not worry about seizures. It sucks.
But I'm glad to hear that you made the best of it...as you should...as we all should!
Its hard to watch others but be thankful that you where given the gift to see what they dont! A true miracle that surprises everyday and gives us nothing but pure joy to watch them learn!
People who dont open their eyes and pay attention to those around them are not worth your time.
Wish I lived closer to you so we could hang out....the girls would surely have a blast together!
I know I don't comment on here as much as I should but you're absolutely right. We have a friend that constantly reminds us to look at the blessings we have in our little Gee Gee. She is so innocent and sweet at heart "thanks" to her situation. Every baby step forward we see is such a wonderful surprise for us. All of us with our kids are fortunate in that way to be able to truly enjoy each positive moment and take nothing for granted!
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