Went to the pharmacy and picked up a vitamin by the name of Levocarnitin...or Carnitin..this vitamin I guess will hopefully help with her liver and the deficency that the depakote is causing.We are going to try at 300mg twice a day for 2 weeks and then get more blood work done. If this comes back still elevated then we are going to have to discuss the depakote....or maybe another drug. I am so frustrated and JUSt want my little girl to gain some weight..!!
She still prefers her Pediasure to her Boost shakes that have at least 100 more calories than pediasure!! we can at at most 2 scoops of DUOCAL to the mix..one scoop per 4 oz...and your lucky to get 6 oz in a feeding.
She is happy...oh she is happy...vocal and LOUD...breakdancinig her rolling self on the floor..full of LOUD...lol I guess I cannot complain she is far from sleepy at times...Seizures are very few...maybe one every few days...
Development continues to be troublesome..I have been instructed to put her in her stander for 15 minutes a day. Only 15 minutes...Ithink I can handle it! eh?
Madies OT gave me info on Oral Hypersensitivity...ehhh lots of things I have already read but she meant well...eh.
We are anxiously waiting for Madies other OT to to have her baby and come back to us!! lol.
(not that other lady is not nice.)
cant wait for it to get warm...I have my bulbs already sprouting up in the yard and Im dying to get out there and clean up and mulch...yeah crazy. :) I just love the smell of mulch...LOL
Well I guess that is all...Heading out to see my sister this weekned and looking forward to a relaxing weekned without housework.
Hold on mamas things will get better :) :)
OHHH check out Reagans seat! Im sooo jealous!! I want one for madie!! Eeek to the price tag!
1 comment:
After the $50 discount and shipping/handling, it was only $177! What a deal!!! We've been wanting to get this for so long but never had that much extra change laying around. Fortunately we were able to use some of Reagan's birthday money to pay for it so we were finally able to get it!
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