Sunday, November 13, 2011

Still here!

Yeah I have been hiding out away from the blogging world lately..just kinda working out some things. This blog has always been about Madie with splashes of information about me. I kinda like it that way. This Past month has been a tough one for me. But Im workin thru it and so is Hubster (I hope)
I will miss him when he travels next week but I will just think how great it will be to see him when he gets home. Madie has preschool all week so Ill be able to keep her She is certainly a happier girl when she has much more entertained than at home. I am however working on my cartwheel technique slow and steady...
In other news we were in fact without power at home for 10 days..yup. It was tough not being in our own house but we were also blessed to HAVE a warm places to go where some people did not! Shelters were opened up and people were like running for water at the grocery stores it was a ghost town with the businesses out of power as well for days on end...Crazy. We lost a fridge of food and a few frozen things..
Miles and I were up the night it was snowing and blue flashes were coming thru the windows as transformers were being blown out.. freaky! I think it looked as if we were going to be abducted by aliens! Or something from the show LOST..(sniff I miss it)
Well statewide power outage happended in just one night of over a ft of snow! then we had days where it was seriously 65 degrees out! helllooo global warming?? There were power companies from all over coming to help.
Madie and I spent the week in Niantic at the beach house and Miles had to travel for work so he was in a hotel. Kiddo was a trooper with her 5 year ol self in her porta crib..was not sleeping very well..and had one big seizure one night we were there..:(
I could not complain about the home cooked meals and family surrounding us.I did contribute 2 nights of cooking :) I would go check on house and the poor cat every few days...but things were terribly cold in there..staying in the 40's inside! while outside was gorgeous! weird!
SO now we are nestled back into our home for a week now and things are getting better. The neighborhood even had a re-sheduled Halloween I am looking forward to when Miles is not so busy at work for a few months and has a 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving...Spending Thanksgiving with my two loves is all I need right now :)
Hope everyone is staying well and I guess there isnt much to ramble on about...nothing I really want to share now... But Im Ok. Madie is OK and Hubster is Ok. Will add pictures from the beach soon...:) She loved it! No water though! BRR!
Hugs mamas.

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