Sunday, March 6, 2011

rainy days..

Well today in CT USA..things sure are rainy. Slushy snow is melting revealing our mudslicked lawn..I am craving warm weather soooo badly! Sitting on the couch while little Madie sits on her blanket playing with her hands and humming noises to herself. What a beautfull little girl. At the same time as I admire how stinkin pretty she is I am also filled with concern and sadness twards her. I just want her to get there. Well ok now I know she will be in special programs and certainly has her issues..but get there. KNOW...understand more...explore..albeit horrendous sensory I have dreams for her is all. I worry so much about her...she is for the most part happy today we survived thru one meltdown due to who knows what but she since recovered from that. (we usually let her cool off in her bed for about 10-20 minutes) I wonder alot if her Keto gives her a tummy ache..poor kid doesnt poo much.
Anyhooo aside from that not much else. hoping and hoping that this week stays good seizure wise...have to give a call to nuerologist and give him updates... madie has been eating really well..still yet to eat a whole bottle always leaving about 2-3 ounces in there...very frustraiting...the stuff is so stinkin thick! ick.She eats it though! We are compleatly Pediasure Free! Gave our big stash to a group called Gifts of Love that help needy families..:) I do have TWO unopended cans of Duocal if ANYONE wants em! Ill ship em! Or I can give it to the hospital to the G.I folks..:)

Spring time and summer time cannot come soon enough..I am so bummed out with these grey rainy or snowy cold days..I long for fresh air to sit outside on the green grass with Madie and snap cutie pictures of her in her long pigtails and new spring outfits...*sigh.
Today has been a pretty lazy day for sure. Went to the bookstore with Miles and it was just so rainy I was not willing to walk thru to other stores. less than half of them have awnings..
This week nothing weekend Hubster and I will go see Bill Engvall comedy show on Sunday getting out for a date night. (a present for valentines day)and that is about as far ahead as I can
Hangin in there I earth shattering news..Maybe Dinner at Grandmas tonight but Miles has alot of school work to do and I gotta get to the grocery store to at least get some jucie and small items..we are LOW.
May get the gang over for St Patricks day for some Cornbeef and Cabbage too..we shall see..
Hang in there and have a great weekend. :)

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