Monday, April 12, 2010

More Updates..:)

Great Day yesterday! Food Folks and Fun. MAdie only had one meltdown! whaaa hooo!
Ok so day 3 had begun of Clobazam and I tell ya day one I was thinking I did not make a right choice! She was miserable...irriatble...crying..sleepy...oh man I was completely stumped. what was it!? Well after a teeny tiney poopy I maybe thought she was having tum tum issues..she gets blocked up quite allot but to start having that issue when we are trying to watch her for the effect of a new med was tough. I tried to feed her and she was not eating which also could have been why she was so sleepy..with no food and meds..well, that can make ya tired as well.
Saturday was pretty frustrating. I was nervous of this behavior going into Sunday when we had planned a BBQ with family and one of the moms from madies school and her hubby and two boys were comming too..along with a couple of Miles' co-workers and their kids... Soooooo for Meltdown Madie to strike was NOT in my plan!
TWO huge poops came from the heavens and cheered her up she took a hour nap and woke up fine!! OMG..the beginning of the day began rough but after the poopy gods came and with a little help from the nap gods..she woke happy AND ate some food!
Spent lots of time on her blanket out on the deck just hanging out. being outside in the fresh air.
A few kids came and BOY...literally BOYS...(four little boys under the age of 5)they were just crazy. Remind me to really hide alot of things next was running around with the cats litter scoop! AHHH!!! then went and was playing with her food! AHHHH then was dumping alllll madies toys allll over and running thru with madies teether in his mouth...AHHH..this is just one boy the others were very good actually.. hes only 2 and a OK Im being a little harsh but I just adore his mom whos other son is in Madies class.
She even brought Madie a new tub tub toy and these amazing shrimp kabobs..mmmmm. But girl, you got some crrrazy kids! LOL
Anyhooooo in Seizure news..its hard to tell on this day 3..too early..going down on Banzel half in am and half in this point I am still not sold on Clobazam..BUT so far today Ive seen 1 seizure...her average in a day was about 15-20 drops..this was me counting for like 3 days er so...
One more week of Preschool this week then the week after Madie has her spring break so it will be a great time to get her adjusted to her new med..
This afternoon we head htfd to have a Neuro follow up and hubby and I are giving blood for fun...I hate giving blood...
Sooo I guess thats it for now..keep ya posted.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Oh Madie... cute as button you are.Looking so big and so grown up and,although I hate to say it,pretend I have uttered it in a mere whisper ...1 seizure... fantastic.We will say lots of prayers that you are on the right track.Seems like it is time for a ride on that right track,doesn't it?