Not the best week Madie-San...
I think she is slowly starting to feel herslef again...we shall see.
She was a handfull for her preschool teachers..crying and not having her stander sessions and wanting to sleep..red faced and drooly. Having morning meltdowns.. Only on Thursday night did I have to resort to the childreans tylenol to get her to simply CALM down her tears...:( I gave her a little more on Friday morning and her day was a little better at school so they tell me.
I call these times "teething humps" lets get OVER the hump as the toof comes in just a little more...then we wait for the next hump. WILL THESE TEETH EVER COME IN??? gawd!
Well one day of school next week and its an early day then she is off for what seems like a decade. Hubby will be off from work for 2 weeks as well. I dunno if all this vacation time will drive us crazy or bring us joy. Extra Dishes, Extra laundry, lots of continuous picking up...I guess Its not much of a vacation for me...but it will be kinda nice to have everyone home at the same time. I am lookimg forward to Christmas weekend. It will sure be a busy one. Family Party in CT with big dinner and seeing all my Brotha in laws and sister in law and of course grandma and grampa :)
THEN its off to Jersey Shore for the Voegler party. A 3 hour flat drive we will spend the night this year hoping that it will be easier on madie so she is not in the car as much.
Initally I wanted to drive down the day before and get a fresh start the day of the party but we have changed that to driving the morning of the party...get settled and "gussy up" and spend the night after the party. I think it will work out great.
MAdie is a challenge at times...ONLY due to lack of naps..but we hope she will snooze when we get there or in the car. :)
I just have felt so overwhelmed lately...I dunno various reasons I guess...I am still stumped for 3 presents and I am about to just give up. I have run out of chritsmas cards and have yet to send out madies great grandma a card! OF ALL PEOPLE! GAH!
Madie has been OK..she is just being madie. She is funny as she becomes mor aware of herself. Like oh...Ill be saying her name in a funny voice and she giggles and squirms like she just knows Im comming with the tickle kisses...LOL she is still sitting very well and at times looks like she just wants to get up! Still will not use those arms to get herslef up.
Lowered Banzel in the AM to 200mg and kept the nightime dose the same at 300mg..I duuno anymore...I was worried cause she just was not eating! I had her eating 3 jars a day!! nope. she was not hungry..
BUT was it teeting? who knows!
As for drops...well they are what they are...we deal with them in halos of pillows and I guess its all we can do...they just wont go away. I am run down and beat up from trying to fight the seizures...I just go with it....*sigh*
I mentioned awhile back that we were workin on getting back into Detroit...Well we are in as of Jan 6th. More on that later I suppose. Maybe I still do have some fight left in me over seizures eh? :)
1 comment:
Maybe getting back into Detroit will yield some new direction to take. Hope so.
We got a teether right now too. I just want then to come IN already!
Have a good holiday.
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