ALOT of snow!! Will let you know what the total is when its EVER stops! eeek!!
Today was supposed to be madie's EEG but my mother in law and I decided the snowmobile was not the safest way to get to Hartford... soooo i called and they were super nice about it...saying that alot of people had to cancell today and they will call me tomorrow morning..."we'll get Madison in hun" she says...haha
I may opt to go next week...and get her blood work done THIS week at Its just a whirlwind week....I am most nervous about her genetics appointment on friday....I will also keep you posted on that...
I ALSO have to drive to Long Island for my dear Uncles fathers brother lost his battle with an inoperable brain tumor...we hear now that 2 years ago when they told him of this the doctors gave him a year...well he made it twice that. Passing in the ambulance with my Aunt by his side.... Has not sunk in yet...I am still numb. he will be dearly missed...
As for us...well...hoping that we can have a relaxing evening tonight and that hubby drives safely home from work...he just LOVES snow and sees it as a "misson" to get to work in the snow....oiy....
Well I hear a small bird chirping for her bottle...:)
Still battling it out with insurance to cover her feeding therapy...they say its Medically unnecessary...
1 comment:
Try not to worry too much about genetics. As with most appointments you go to it's a lot of the "we just don't know" stuff. We can run this test or maybe that one...but really, we have NO idea! Not to mention it takes months to get back the results of most of those tests they run! At one point we thought we had a lead because of one test of Reagan's that came back high but after multiple other tests and sending the specimens overseas it came back with nothing! Nada. They still have a way to go with genetics but they are getting there (unlike epilepsy).
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