She did give me the advice to go get her bllod work dont ASAP...and that they need to know how her levels are before we can do anything else...well I was headed out weathor madie was sleepin or not....that was a scream fest but Madison was brave they even gave her sticker that she cares less about....LOL

OH and the know that news on that...going to see GI folks NEXT FRI!! eeeek!! As they force the kid who is never hungry to eat....
ONE day at a hopefull moment at once...
PS- Its 715 now in my neck of the woods and Madison just had a huge least out of it for a good minute along with jerks and the horrible eyes rolling in her head...I held her limp in my arms as she gazed into nowhere and talked to her and cradled her...she was so soft and floppy...We can only be patient and see how the blood work comes back...
I feel so helpless against this battle..
I want to curse the world! What is wrong with our kids???
I hate this ache in my heart...I want to curse it!! I want to be strong and be optomisic and KNOW that Madison along with allll our kids will overcome this!! How many years do we have to give thanks for no seizures...I got a 2 count on that one....

I hate this ache in my heart...I want to curse it!! I want to be strong and be optomisic and KNOW that Madison along with allll our kids will overcome this!! How many years do we have to give thanks for no seizures...I got a 2 count on that one....
I will keep u all posted....
Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement..what the heck would I do without it??
*Tears***Dear God are you there? Its me, Madison.
Ill keep ya posted.
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